
What is SayMore?

Say More is for the hungry ones.

It's an app where Farcaster ask those who know... about what they know!

And it's where Creators can learn about what content matters to people 🫡

How does it work?

1 - Reply "@SayMore" to any cast on Farcaster where you'd love to hear the Author say more.

2 - SayMoreBot will record the request and let the Author know you're dying to hear from them!

3 - The Author replies in the thread and tags "@saymore done" to complete the request.

Upvote the best SayMore Requests here on SayMore to show them how much you want to read a fully formed essay about that topic!

Requests for essays from authors and tips coming soon ✨

What else can you do here?

Schedule a thread of casts to post on Farcaster later!

View an infinite feed of bookmarked casts and bookmark your own!

Reach out to Cameron below for feature requests and questions ✨

Cameron Armstrong

He's a serial builder, self-taught developer, and likes to eat low hanging fruit. He sold his last e-commerce software startup, got his MBA with Distinction from Harvard Business School, and was an Infantry Officer in the US Army.

Learn more about Cameron here!

Made with ✨ by Cameron